Saturday, 28 March 2009

Daddy!! Please HELP!!!

Just after posting the recent article, I logged into Malaysia Today and there was this article by Harakah - 'Umno restui dan pilih pemimpin rasuah - Mahathir.'

Funny how you get someone to defend you.

Remember this thing about grapes being sour?

The tip of one particular ice berg.

I think I'm going to start to write one of the reason how YB KJ could win the Ketua Pemuda UMNO seat and how YB KJ was able to gain confidence from a few perwakilan whom I know was supporting another candidate.

Of course from the angle of - through my eyes.

If it would to be through my............., well, I was in the wrong group before. A group where - 'It's all about the Benjamin's.' Sometimes it's about who you are behind with due to politics. Now, I'm on my own. Not quite sure for how long. And nobody has got a clue what's going to happen.

Or maybe it's not good to talk about what happenned.

Just move on and try to be stronger by uniting like what YB KJ said.

Well, I'll have to think about it.

Well see.

Thursday, 26 March 2009

KJ - A true leader.

KJ Winning the seat.

KJ - Ketua Pemuda UMNO Malaysia!!!

KJ is the UMNO Youth Chief!

I'll be posting more and more, how some people defamed YB KJ in Langkawi. And those are the UMNO politicians themselves.

Like I said, my fingers are getting itchy.

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Khairy, Shahrizat dahului pencabar.

Khairy Jamaluddin dan Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil sedang mendahului calon-calon lain, masing-masing bagi jawatan ketua Pemuda dan Wanita dalam pengiraan awal petang ini.

Pengiraan undi bagi jawatan-jawatan utama Pemuda, Wanita dan Puteri masih berlangsung. Difahamkan proses pengiraan berjalan lancar.

Pengundian bermula kira-kira jam 11.45 pagi dan selesai kira-kira dua jam kemudiannya.

Ramai menjangka Khairy dan Shahrizat terpilih dengan majoriti yang selesa.

Naib ketua Pemuda Umno itu bersaing dengan exconya Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir dan Datuk Seri Dr Mohamad Khir Toyo.

Manakala Shahrizat mencabar penyandang pergerakan Wanita, Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz.

Jawatan ketua Puteri dipertandingkan enam penjuru antara Datuk Shahaniza Shamsuddin, Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin, Ismalina Ismail, Bibi Sharliza Mohd Khalid, Ida Rahayu Md Noor dan Saarah Ali Bashah.

Turut dipertandingkan, jawatan-jawatan naib ketua, exco, pengerusi tetap dan timbalan pengerusi tetap ketiga-tiga sayap berkenaan.

Seramai 796 perwakilan Wanita, Pemuda (791 orang) dan Puteri(789 orang) membuang undi.Berdasarkan proses pengundian yang berjalan lancar pagi tadi, ramai yang beranggapan bahawa para perwakilan sudah tekad memilih calon masing-masing.

Proses pengiraan undi dijangka selesai lebih awal dan keputusannya juga akan diketahui lebih cepat bagi ketiga-tiga pergerakan tersebut.

Menurut jadual, keputusan rasmi persaingan sengit dalam sayap Pemuda dan Wanita akan diketahui jam 9 malam ini.
[Laporan penuh menyusul]

My Bro.

My brother is competing but I'm going all haywire.

I can't believe this!

KJ for Ketua Pemuda UMNO at PWTC

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

An email from my 'Motivator' :)

I believe if MM earn a reputation as a leader,he can and will attract talent and loyalty.But.........MM is very weak,indecisive,self-centred and indifference towards people!
Although some believe that leaders are made not born,l can only say for myself that KJ was born with lot of courage and the rest..he learnt the hard way!Every bad experience gave him greater strength.
Sikhin Harun
ProKJ Fan Club

Monday, 23 March 2009

A SMS incident with Datuk Mukhriz.

On the 27th April 2008 at about 1.38.32pm I decided to send a sms to Datuk Mukhriz to see how would he reply. I had a mindset that he would have the same passion for Malaysia, Langkawi in particular, as Tun Dr. Mahathir did. Tun Dr. Mahathir was not the Member of Parliament for Langkawi but out of passion from his early days in Langkawi he built the island.

Datuk Mukhriz said the same, that's why he was campaigning to be a candidate for the seat.

This is how the SMS went;

To Datuk Mukhriz:
As'kum Datuk, my name is Sameer Khan and I'm a Langkawian (before starting I would like to mention that below is absolutely my personal question and view) Likewise, Lgk was and has always been under the direct care of the PM. Now it's a toothless state of the opposition. A verbal revolver within the state govt. has mentioned that Lgk will be left as it is, added by similar rumours of the current Tourism Minister. Promises made on developing the island further were just an opinionated mind game; as it may procure, thus making us believing it. What shall Langkawians do when the island has come to a handbrake still? Shall we handle domestic issues like Napoleons battle of Podubno or shall we just follow like crows counting days? Privately, I choose to handle domestic issues pertaining to economic wellbeing singularly only if it's within my ability even if that would be deliberately mocking the process of constitutional principles and political 'toesteps'. I have attended every one of your gathering in Lgk and have heard your promises with utmost livingness. I also humbly understand your current position and the attached constraints, but would you fulfill then eventhough Lgk is not within your jurisdiction or maybe just spotlight us?

The reply I received from Datuk Mukhriz:
I note with interest yr vehement objections to my candidacy to contest in Langkawi. I find it odd & insulting dat u now choose to ask me to fulfill my "promises with utmost livingness". As the saying goes, u deserve the leader u choose. U hv made yr choice. Live with it. Salam.

To the Perwakilan Pemuda UMNO, please choose your leader wisely. All we can do is inform all of you who they really are.

Make your choice based on leadership qualities.


I can't take it anymore!
My eyes and ears have been absorbing incidents where a state Ketua Pemuda UMNO chief have been 'campaigning' with a 'thick pocket' for a particular contestant for the Ketua Pemuda UMNO seat.

My fingers are starting to get itchy to release more.
We'll see how it goes.

KJ for Ketua Pemuda UMNO

Kenapa KJ Menjadi Pilihan













'Solat Hajat' for YB KJ.

Last night I organized a small gathering and performed 'Solat Hajat' in a mosque somewhere near my home.
I hope with the grace of Allah SWT, YB KJ will gain victory and will be named the Pemuda UMNO Youth Chief, InsyaAllah.

Dato' Seri Khir Toyo vs. What he has done

.....Apa Khir Toyo buat Tun?
.... He actually came to see me. He wanted to explain his side of the story. I told him-no, you don't answer to me. You answer to God.
(kindly visit and under 'Blog Traffic' click on renovatio: Tun Daim on KJ and Khir Toyo!!!)

For a person like Tun Daim Zainuddin (as in his reputation may it be positive or negative), that was actually his frank advice to Dato Seri Khir Toyo.

Sunday, 22 March 2009

Accusations on YB KJ - Part 5.

Bro Jinggo
Naib timbalan Ketua Pemuda UMNO Malaysia, Khairy Jamaluddin hari ini membuat laporan polis terhadap penerbitan buku yang bertajuk “ Tuah dan Sial Khairy Jamaluddin”.Tujuan buku tersebut diterbitkan ialah untuk dihantar kepada semua perwakilan UMNO Malaysia kerana kandungan buku tersebut mempunyai unsur-unsur fitnah terhadap Khairy yang cuba memberi imej buruk kepada perwakilan beliau.
Beliau membuat laporan polis tersebut di Balai Polis Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur.
Fungsi utama buku ini adalah salah satu usaha secara sengaja untuk menjatuhkan kredibiliti Khairy. Menurut Khairy, beliau mempunyai bukti bahawa penulis buku tersebut Yahya Ismail telah mengugut beliau sebelum menerbitkan buku ini, dimana Yahya telah datang berjumpa Khairy dan menghantar black mail kepada Khairy. Yahya meminta Khairy ,membayar sebanyak RM100,000.00 , supaya buku tersebut tidak dikeluarkan. Yahya juga mengugut Khairy bahawa sekiranya Khairy gagal membuat pembayaran beliau akan menerbitkan buku tersebut.
Menurut Khairy lagi, Yahya Ismail berkata bahawa beliau ditaja oleh musuh-musuh politik Khairy dalam umno sendiri.
Di sini berlakunya ugutan dan khairy menegaskan bahawa beliau tidak akan tunduk pada sebarang ugutan walaupun Yahya meminta beliau membayar sebanyak RM100,000.00 agar buku tersebut tidak dicetak , dijual dan diedarkan kepada perwakilan.
Kata Khairy beliau mempunyai pendirian bahawa beliau tidak perlu membayar pada buku tersebut kerana, ini ialah ugutan politik dan beliau berpengang pada prinsip beliau bahawa tidak akan tunduk pada mana-mana pihak yang meminta atau memaksa beliau dalam bentuk ugutan black mail untuk memenuhi permintaan mereka yang sebelum mengeluarkan buku dan juga bahan-bahan yang boleh memburukkan kredibiliti beliau.
Khairy berkata, bahawa penting bagi beliau untuk membawa kepada pengetahuan umum terutamanya kepada perwakilan Pemuda UMNO Malaysia bahawa buku ini sebenarnya tidak ada kredibiliti kerana buku ini ditaja dan kedua tidak ada kredibiliti kerana penulis ini telah meminta wang dari beliau sebelum buku ini diterbit dan dicetak.
Disini kita tahu bahawa ada unsur ugutan secara black mail dan penulis buku tersebut sebenarnya bukan mahu mencari kebenaran sebaliknya mencari keuntungan peribadi.
(taken from

Accusations on YB KJ - Part 4.

Khairy lodges report against author.

Khairy Jamaluddin who is vying for the Umno Youth chief post next week lodged a police report against Yahaya Ismail, author of a book titled 'Tuah dan Sial' that defamed him. Khairy also claimed Yahaya had tried to extort RM100,000 before publishing the book.
Posted in at 13.13hrs just now.
(I posted mine at 12.18, almost an hour before NST.)

Accusations on YB KJ - Part 3.

Laporan polis terhadap penulis buku, Yahya Ismail, mengugut YB KJ sebanyak RM100k kalau kalau KJ tak bayar dia akan keluarkan buku tersebut. Cara ungutan- berjumpa dengan KJ di KL dan melalui blackmail. KJ tidak tunduk di atas sebarang ugutan dan tak mampu membayar wang sebanyak itu kata KJ.
Terbaru, Ketua Bahagian Melaka menerima buku tersebut melalui pos. Tajuk buku, Tuah dan Sial KJ.

Accusations on YB KJ - Part 2.

Laporan terbaru diterima dari pegawai YB KJ. YB KJ buat laporan polis berhubung sebuah buku yang bertajuk 'Tuah dan Sial KJ'. Apa-apa pun saya masih menunggu YB KJ di luar balai.
I wonder who's behind all this?? Anybody want to spill??

Accusations on YB KJ.

YB KJ sekarang berada di Balai Polis Brickfields.... buat laporan polis. Apa-apa rakan-rakan bloggers ProKJ Fan Club tunggu sahaja berita selanjutnya dari saya atau pun berita media massa online... Saya bersama wartawan-wartawan sedang menunggu YB KJ di luar balai... Jika tiada halangan saya akan muat turun gambar dan video di secepat yang mungkin.
(A sms I received from Bro Jinggo)
I will update this from time to time.

Saturday, 21 March 2009

From Janda Baik to The South China Sea.

It was Friday, 27th of February, when I was sitting in the balcony of my villa in Wadi Hussien, Janda Baik. On my easy chair, I sat enjoying the view. I have worked on this garden for 23 years now, and here I share the fruits of my labour.
Across the balcony, flowers like the powder puff, the bottle brush, and the office girl blooms and attracts birds of varying species, beautiful in their own right. They would individually sing their enchanting sounds, while the flowing river underneath my house provides a soothing background tune.
The dancing butterflies too provide an amusing picture for the discerning eye. Last night my nasal sense was given its own delight when the smell of the lady of the night (a plant) filled the air. Some palms ive planted has grown strong and tall, while some other trees serves as a shade for many visitors that had walked through Hana garden, Wadi Hussien. Its interesting because Wwadi is an Arabic word which means a valley, while Janda Baik is on a hill.
As I sat down on my comfortable teak chair, I began sipping on my ginger coffee, this one imported from Surabaya. My father was born in Ampel, Surabaya, although my roots can be traced to hadramawt valley in Yemen. As I think about my origins and how Ive gotten to where I am this morning, accompanied by the aroma of coffee in my hand, I felt like I was floating in my thoughts.
The beautiful scenery made me praise Allah swt who has created this world sublime and beautiful, although man’s irresponsible hands has caused much mischief. When I think about ideas like beauty, perfection and sublimity I feel trancendent. I reexamine the role of Man in this cosmos, in the wilderness. It is baffling to the human mind if this is all meant for nothing.
Do you think that We created all this for sport, and that you will never return to Us? -Quran
As I continue pondering man’s role in beautifying the physical world trough gardening and planting the seeds, I think also about my role in planting good ideas in minds, that they may blossom to help others have beautiful minds. This faculty of reasoning is so powerful that, once I’m lost in it, I would forget about the chikukunya virus Ive contracted trough one of God’s messengers, the tiny mosquito.
Its been over a month now, it comes and goes, but its showing no signs of leaving completely. I must say, this virus in my body is so painful, almost unbearable, especially at this advanced age. Perhaps its a cleansing agent for my wrong doings, or perhaps it’s meant as a reminder for me. But the most interesting lesson I’ve learned is that this virus, is like evil in this world. One has to remain steadfast and comitted, and one cannot afford to be tolerant with it, because until one has defeated it in it’s totality, it might take a rest, recupurate and continue on it’s quest to overpower him.
The importance of patience
This battle teaches me patience as one of the most important virtues taught by the prophet. He outlined 4 kinds of patience to be practiced by the muslim. This being1 .patience in calamity2 .patience in doing good3 .patience from bad doing and finally4 .patience in good times to remain a thankful person.
This virtue which the world could really use today was strongly charecterised in the prophets of the past. I remember Ya’qub in surah yusuf who retorted the words ‘Sabrun jameel” or, patience is beautiful. It was ironic, for when he said this the man had just lost his son to the wolf, or at least that’s what his other sons said about Yusuf.
As I ponder the lessons of the story of yusuf in the Quran, written so beautifully with elegance and eloquence,this concept of patience becomes clearer in my mind. If I may share a little on Yusuf, this prophet was blessed with charming good looks, excellence of character and a beautiful mind, aside from his ability to interprate dreams. This blessedness and good fortune didnt come easy however, as the servant of Allah will always be tried.
As a child, he was taken to play with his envious elder brothers who couldnt stand their fathers love for Yusuf. They plotted to kill him, although later they decided throwing him in the well would be a better course. He was picked up and later sold as a slave. He rejected the love of Zulaikha for fear of Allah, and had preferred to be in jail rather than comitting a detestable act. Imprisoned and later freed after clearing his name, the king called him for his ability to interprate dreams, until he was made minister to the king and also in charge of the treasury. He later got the upper hand with his envious brothers, but he chose to forgive them.
This narration shows the Power of Allah in electing who He wills to rule and to be successful. At the same time it also shows the importance of having dignity and patience, that if something is the will of God, it will happen in it’s own time.The Quran has other narrations about youth, among which is the story of the Ashabul kahfi, or the companions of the cave. In defending their ideals of truth against tyranny, this group was safeguarded by Allah in a cave, made to sleep for 309 years, a manifestation of His power that surely He can place whom He wills to rule this earth. The idealism in youth, when power and riches havent corrupted them, and their bravery may shape the world.
‘Give me a thousand old men, and i could perhaps farm on mountains, but give me 10 among the youth, and i shall shake the world”-Sukarno
The youth in Malaysia.
I have written about youth in Malaysia as early as 1982, in my book titled ‘Pemuda di zaman Mahathir”. On the cover of the book, was Dato’ Sri Anwar Ibrahim beside Dato’ Sri Najib. Today these two have climbed the ladder, one in the government, and the other the de facto leader of the opposition. In 2004, I followed trough with writing Pemuda di zaman Pak Lah, or youth in Pak Lah’s times. This time, on the cover was Khairy Jamaluddin, the Oxford graduate and son in law of Pak Lah and next to him Mukhriz, son of the ex prime minister Tun Mahathir Mohammad.
Perhaps the question to ask is where will the youth be taking Malaysia? Perhaps not many have noticed, but this competition between Khairy and Mukhriz is more than just a selection of a candidate within UMNO, its more than a proxy war of Mahathir against Khairy or Pak Lah, however, this competition determines whether UMNO is ready for a transition of ideology from Mahathir’s command and control style of ruling, to the openness and transparency that Pak lah has started.
This selection will determine the strategy to employ in the time of the open skies, where information can be acessed freely and the privatisation of media,not to mention the rakyat’s increased sophistication and maturity in politics. The UMNO youth must put all this in consideration before choosing to renew Mahathirism, or the sort of command and control where the freedom of the press is restricted, Where student activism is banned, and the internal security act be used as an instrument of silencing the voice of the rakyat.
Or they can choose to follow trough with Pak Lah’s project of increased transparency, his all out war against money politics and corruption, and his guarantee of internet freedom, provided its not defamatory and libelous. Perhaps the peope isn’t ready for this sort of liberty, some may say, or others may say there are more pressing issues to be addressed particularly the economy. This is for UMNO members to decide.
The trouble makers
If one reads into the situation, one may see how Pak lah’s Transparency has affected his position. His project for Islam Hadari or civilisational Islam was rejected because of the immaturity of certain minds. His ten point mission, to fuse ethics with politics, economics and virtually every sphere was rejected out right.
The influence of the workers of mischief was also disastrous to his reputation. This ‘game’ they played managed to tarnish his reputation although the stories are fabricated or relied on hearsay. Not only was he the victim, they went further to attack his son in law, Khairy Jamaluddin. With the fictitious Chronicles Of khairy published in Malaysia today, written with eloquence and the flare of a brilliant writer, this ill intent almost destroyed the person of Khairy Jamaluddin. And lets not forget how the freedom of the press has granted Tun Mahathir to voice out his protests against governmental decisions, when he has clearly stepped down as the prime minister. His all out attack against the government was multi facetted, with roadshows and his blogging.
As If attacking from outside wasnt enough, This leader of the nation used his son to bring down the house from within. After March 08,Mukhriz rallied the youth behind him to demand that Pak Lah steps down. This proxy war doesnt end with pak lah as he put a further claim that Khairy was master-mind behind Pak lah’s government. The colossal defeat in 08 gave the trouble makers more ammunition, as they blamed the entire defeat on Pak lah and Khairy.
Perhaps many may see me as inconsiderate, levelling my attacks on Tun Mahathir who is an old man. But my task here is only to remind, reiterate what Mahathir himself said about the malays, ‘Melayu mudah lupa”, Malays forget easily, Mahathir forgets easily. Forgetting is a very important trait of humans, it helps them get trough disasters, survive relationships and keeps them sane, but forgetting is dangerous if history is repeated.
Did Mahathir forget how his own government was almost brought down by trouble makers? During his time, under his leadership umno split into two factions, and his position was challenged as leader. Did the Malays forget about how UMNO died, and saw the birth of parti semangat 46? This Ofshoot of UMNO with politicians who backstabbed Mahathir within his party joined the opposition and planned an overthrow of the government. Before it was semangat 46, but today its the PKR. I admit the impetus may have been different in the forming of the parties, but please apply the Golden rule here. As a writer and the conscious voice of the people, I only document current happenings and hope to serve as a reminder. I truly pray, what happened in the time of Pak Lah wont repeat itself in the time of Najib.
Dato mohamad hasan, Negeri Sembilan’s Chief Minister said that what is destroying umno is its own members. We are in the 21st century! When will the malays stop their envy and jealousy towards the success of others? Till when will the culture of cutting down young talents keep going on?
Observe how Pak Lah’s short premiership is full of uprisings and protests even within his own cabinet when they sent him the memorandum. Not to mention the presence of some loyalists to Mahathir who remain in the party but remain in their plans to topple Pak lah’s government at every turn. Whilst Anwar, aside from sharpening his attacks against the government announced the takeover of 16th september, one which never took place.It is difficult not to affirm the fact that pak lah fell victim to the game of the trouble makers. But here i respect Pak lah for being steadfast, and never taking anything personally, even in his last days he pushed for reform.
Pak Lah and the times.
Times have changed. The youth in the times of Pak Lah has to be brilliant, brave and a master of the political craft. Greater awareness in the public should lead to a merit based system. Khairy Jamaluddin has shown his bravery and resourcefulness by accepting the invitation to a debate with Husam Musa, and more recently with Salahuddin Ayub on the teaching of science and mathematics in english. This openness creates room for more inclusivity, at the same time educating the public about pressing issues. This transparency, letting go of the command and control machinery may have caused Pak Lah his seat as the prime minister, but the man was never ambitious, he was there because he wanted to serve. If Pak Lah is a statesman and not just a politician he has demonstrated this by putting the nation before himself. Lets hope he follows trough with his promise of not wanting to be an embarassment to the party upon his handing over of power.
This transfer of power to the people and freedom of ideas and speech may be harmful at the early stages, where minds angry at the government will swallow every single thing written by bloggers with their own agenda, but as the people get used to the responsibility of thinking and adopting the right views, we will have a strenghtened democracy. In the preface I have talked about the failure of the western system with it’s two party democracy, but perhaps i must reformulate this statement by saying that it can only work if its fused with an ethics that encourages the spirit of comradery instead of struggle of power.
Greater civic participation among the people will create greater trust and social capital. A more educated and mature citizenry may lead to greater efficiency in administering the country. The malay civilasation once had a maxim ‘ The just king is obeyed, but the unjust will be overthrown”.
Today bad governments will get voted out of the government. But if its only an illusion of choice and not greater effort towards justice and fairness, this will create a disenchanted population.
However those who prefer a command and control attitude will think differently. The 700 000 members of the youth wing of umno acts like a state within a state, when leaders only think about strengthening their party base instead of encouraging more inclusivity. What we get is a party that does not reflect the will of the population, but only reflective of the view of the select few, and once this is the case, we can only pray that these select few have the greater good in mind.
March 08
Discussed by many as the tipping point, or characterised as a political tsunami, many forget the Arrogance of power. This arrogance of power is actually a virus that crippled and destroyed many civilisations of the past. Barisan Nasional may have been guilty of it, especially since winning their greatest victory in 2004. But if anything, the opposition today are behaving in the same manner. Especially if one has witnessed the Perak takeover more recently.
What this shows is that as humans, power is never absolute, because it is in the hands of Allah to crown who He wills. Yet even this illusion of power is enough to corrupt the people who are not pious, or saleh.That is why, the quran dictates, the earth shall be inherited by the saleh. And who are these Saleh or pious people? Must they be dressed as a superficial religious class? Or are they people who are honest, who do not let power and greed in their hearts and heads?
Some voices like Musa hitam, deputy prime minister in the time of Mahathir said that UMNO is old and dying, but forgot that the old, the dying, are the trouble makers within UMNO who refuse to let go of whatever remnants they may have of their influence and power. Musa himself who stepped down as deputy prime minister acted as if he were the advisor to Pak Lah in the earlier days, but now as pak lah nears his fall he was among the first those who criticised him. Lets not forget that just as there had been ‘musketeers’ in the time of Mahathir, there will be musketeers in the time of Najib to protect the institution of UMNO, in order to preserve its relevance. Some possible candidates maybe K.J the young d’artagnon, and also Dato Wira Syed Ali Al-habsyee, the president’s man.
If umno is to survive as an institution that protects the well being of the malays, it has to be more in sync with the wants of the country as a whole.
The ailing party
The people are sick of a party that practices money politics, a party so concerned with staying in power that it forgets their needs. UMNO and ‘Barisan didnt use to be this way’, some of the members of the older generation will testify,it was once a party that worked together, a party where the leaders would sacrifice their own finances for the good of the people. They were comitted with what they stood for, and politicians could be trusted to be statesmen. If there were competition within the party, it was about who could serve the people better.
But today, when UMNO has contracted this virus, the ‘struggle for power’, its like an old man getting chikukunya, where this virus keeps coming back even though he tries all sorts of remedies.Some may suggest that it should be left to die, but this sick man, this party is what the malay people depend on to safeguard their institutions.
Perhaps UMNO is lucky today since what it is up against is an opposition that suffers from diseases themselves. This strategic alliance is bound to fall since it depends on BN’s weakness for it to thrive. Behind this show of force is a party that is ideologically incoherent. But rest assured a people whose fed-up with the government will do whatever is necessary to protect their interests.
After the tsunami of march 08, Permatang Pauh, and then Kuala Terengganu, Barisan Nasional should pick up the signals, with bukit Gantang and bukit Silambau elections around the corner, there are talks that these two constituents will be the day of reckoning.
Najib and the insurmountable task.
When Najib Tun Razak takes the office, UMNO is given a second chance, to renew the confidence of the people. Perhaps one can only pray that Najib can emulate his father, and clean up after Pak Lah. He has to be resourceful and think of ways that could make his party relevant and worth saving.
Its been 27 years since i wrote ‘the youth in the times of Mahathir’, If there is a lesson or a general law I can impart, it is ‘Politics is the game of the possible’. Anything can happen in an instance. There has been 6 prime ministers now, 3 were UMNO youth wing leaders, and 3 werent. Many of the Youth leaders were great like Syed Jaffar Al-bar, Dato Harun, Dato Senu and Tun Saadon, but these people never got to be the Prime Minister. Rahim Tamby Chik had to step down as the youth leader, whilst Syed Hamid Al-bar backed out at the last minute.
Khairy Jamaluddin who won the deputy post for the UMNO youth wing uncontested suddenly finds that he is the underdog in this contest. This brilliant young man has suffered colossal attacks from various directions. Of course by virtue of being Pak Lah’s son in law it might have opened some doors for him, but if UMNO is to start becoming a party that is based on merit, then try and gauge him and the other contestants with their visions, their capabilities and their achievements.
He has said that win or lose, what he wants is for the youth to be united and strenghtened. He has pledged support for whoever that would win. Sabrun jamil, patience is beautiful. He has gone trough lots of tests for his youthful age, but in the end win or lose is part of life, this will be a test for his statesmanship, and as pak lah has said, it’s just a game.
"Don't ever take anything to heart, because this is just a game. And it's not about your life. This is not your life. Your life is your family, your life is your well-being. This is a game, a game that you're in because you want to do something for the country. And unfortunately, to help the country you have to be part of this game. You can stop whenever you want, and you can leave. Nobody is asking you to play this game. You are in it by your own volition, your own choice."-pak lah, from kj’s interview with the nutgraph.
Towards the end of my mental episode, brought on by the sweet aroma of my ginger coffee from Surabaya, from the balcony of my house I descended and approached the stream. I observed the crystal clear water, willful and desirous to fulfill its journey. From Chemperoh to Kuala Sungai Pahang, and finally the South china sea, only to be picked up later by clouds and there begins another journey, that is life.Life is a journey like the journey of the stream, full of boulders and hindrance before we arrive at our destination.
Likewise is the journey of Dato Najib since I first wrote about him 27 years ago when he was deputy youth leader while Anwar was the youth leader.Time has flown so fast, Anwar was fast tracked until he was one step away from becoming the prime minister, but I suppose lady fortune has her own plans; Anwar was to fall into Sungai Buloh jail. God is never unjust; He is all knowing and has His own plans. As humans we must learn to read the signals He sends, and learn to be patient.
And today, Najib, the president of UMNO will, god willing become the Prime Minister. I’m sure by now he is exhausted, but life must go on. The world is but a stage, with many roles to be filled by all of us, but none of us knows the plan of the director. All we can attempt to do is work hard, and make the best of what life hands over to us. The night before, I was watching Rocky Balboa with my son Habib Omar Al-Attas and I think, some of the lines is worth repeating here.
The world aint all sunshine and rainbows. Its a very mean and nasty place, and i dont care how tough you are,it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently,if you let it. You,me or nobody, is gonna hit you as hard as life. Buy ain’t about how hard you hit,its about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take,and keep moving forward. Thats how winning is done.Now,if you know what you’re worth, go out there and get what you’re worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers saying: You ain’t what you wanna be because of him or her or anybody. Cowards do that and that ain’t you! You’re better than that!”. –Rocky Balboa
Written by :
Pak Habib
checkFull("post-" + "2203730695753791987");

Thursday, 19 March 2009

Keputusan Lembaga Disiplin ada hikmah buat Khairy.

Ibarat ketam di dalam bakul yang mahu naik ke atas terpaksa menarik kawan lain yang telah berada di atas. Sifat ini sememangnya telah kita warisi dari zaman zaman kerajaan lama sedari zaman kerajaan melayu Melaka lagi. Kesah Hang Tuah di fitnah , kesah Hang Nadim yang bijak di fitnah kerana kebijaksanaan mereka. Pendek kata orang Melayu tidak boleh tenguk orang melayu lain lebih dari mereka. Mereka adalah terbaik.
Inilah yang berlaku sekarang, terlalu banyak rintangan dan dugaan serta terlalu banyak fitnah di taburkan kepada Khairy Jamaluddin dan beliau adalah mangsa kepada kelebihan yang beliau ada sebagai anak muda yang berpotensi untuk naik dan menjadi pemimpin yang dihormati satu masa kelak. Alasan beliau baru dan beliau menantu Pak Lah adalah satu alasan yang tidak boleh kita terima kerana penilaian terhadap seorang pemimpin bukanlah siapa dia , anak siapa menantu siapa atau baru atau lama dalam kumpulan berkenaan, Apa yang kita perlu lihat dan nilai adalah bakat kepimpinan, Idea - idea dan visi membawa sesebuah kumpulan atau persatuan ke peringkat yang lebih maju dan boleh menghadapi sebarang cabaran.
Keterampilan dan kepimpinan yang ada pada Khairy sebenarnya lebih menonjol dari dua calon yang ada sekiranya kita ketepikan semua usaha-usaha negatif yang cuba memburukkan beliau. Berbagai cara dilakukan untuk menafikan kredibiliti Khairy sehingga beliau terpaksa dihadapkan ke muka pengadilan Lembaga Disiplijn UMNO Malaysia. Sedang Khairy terpinga-pinga tidak tahu apa kesalahan yang telah beliau lakukan , beliau dihukum sebagai bersalah dan syukur kerana beliau dibenarkan bertanding. walau ada penafaian bahawa ada konspirasi yang mahu memburukkan Khairy , Namun nama Khairy agak terjejas dengan tuduhan ini dan hampir melumpuhkan kempen Khairy tentu sekali mereka yang menyusun strategi ini merasakan mereka berjaya untuk menjatuhkan Khairy dengan tuduhan yang telah berjaya memerangkap Khairy.
Benih baik campak ke laut akan menjadi pulau. jentera Khairy tidak berputus asa dan kini mengandakan usaha untuk memastikan Khairy akan berjaya mempertahankan kerusi yang sepatutnya menjadi milik beliau dari di rampas kerana secara haraki, kerusi Ketua Pemuda UMNO milik Naib Ketua Pemuda UMNO kerana sebagai naib Ketua Pemuda UMNO belialah yang banyak membantu Pemuda UMNO. Lakukanlah apa saja , anak muda ini tidak gentar dan akan terus bersaing dan menghadapi pemilihan ini dengan tabah dan tenang. Menurut bancian , Khairy kini berada di tangga atas dan peluang untuk menang adalah cerah. Simpati kepada beliau banyak diluahkan oleh ketua pemuda UMNO Negeri dan bahagian. Ada hikmah dalam apa yang diputuskan oleh lembaga disiplin UMNO buat Khairy Jamaluddin, beliau banyak mendapat simpati dari Perwakilan. Mereka bukan bodoh dan mereka tahu apa yang sedang berlaku.
(Taken from
I will do ALL that it takes to take away all negative perceptions about YB KJ in Langkawi. And whoever who played a role in tarnishing his name here will pay the price.
Salam Setiakawan.

Mahdzir: No 'extra' candidate

SUNGAI PETANI: State Barisan Nasional chairman Datuk Seri Mahdzir Khalid has rubbished claims that the ruling coalition will field an independent candidate to ensure it wins the Bukit Selambau by-election.
Mahdzir also dismissed claims that Husaini Yaacob, one of eight independent candidates who have expressed interest to contest, was Umno's "back-up" candidate."Husaini? Who?"Husaini, 47, who is Kemelong Holdings managing director, yesterday announced his interest to contest as an independent. "I would like to stress that BN will never betray its component parties or Kedah MIC deputy chairman Datuk S. Ganesan, who is our candidate for the seat.
"BN will support Datuk Ganesan and there is no need to field a back-up candidate as a contingency plan to ensure our victory," he said after chairing the state BN meeting here yesterday.Others who have expressed interest to contest as independents are G. Sarala, R. Loganathan, Datuk Thaslem Mohd Ibrahim, T. Chandarajan, M. Vaneson, Tan Hock Huat and former Parti Keadilan Rakyat member Mohamad Radzuan Mat Isa. Asked if he was confident that BN would wrest the seat if there were many independents, Mahdzir replied: "Yes, I am confident. "It has been almost a year since the opposition administered the state."I believe the people, including members and supporters of BN, are mature in assessing the Pas-led state government's performance.The Bukit Selambau seat fell vacant after PKR's V. Arumugam resigned both his state executive councillor's post and as assemblyman on Feb 9.
(Taken from NSTP Online)

YB KJ for Ketua Pemuda UMNO

Hidup ini adalah perjuangan…
Syukur Alhamdulillah walaupun pelbagai cabaran, dugaan dan rintangan yang harus YB KJ tempuhi, namun perjuangannya diberkati Allah, Allah memimpin YB KJ untuk memimpin dengan kepimpinan yang diredhai. Justeru, marilah kita sama-sama memberi sokongan yang padu kepada YB KJ menerusi laman web YB KJ
Hidup UMNO!
Hidup KJ!
Salam Setiakawan!
Salam Perjuangan!

An e-mail I received.

There are people fishing for the 'post'out there.The least we can do is watch the movementsand know how to protect KJ's right and choose the right person for the next KETUA PEMUDA.You( and The SETIAKAWAN TEAM lah)have a leader who have fought for his downlines..I think its just right to look up and stand up for what he has fought for!Dont be like the other candidates,with no 'back bone' that do not want to involved but talk a lot at the back-like aunty-aunty.Tahniah Sameer atas lahirnya blog ini.Selamat menulis yang 'TERANGKAT-ANGKAT' dan yang 'BERASAP-ASAP'.
Sikhin Harun
Salam Setiakawan

I will be posting more and more about YB KJ.


Salam Setiakawan.

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

YB Khairy Jamaluddin - A Youth, A Leader.

Way to go Bro! I am with you!
That was the exact words in a message I sent YB KJ when I heard that he would be contesting the Ketua Pemuda UMNO seat.
I was just so glad.
It was as if my prayers were answered.
I sincerely hope if YB KJ wins the seat, InsyaAllah, he will be able to take Pemuda UMNO towards a new paradigm shift in shaping the youths within Pemuda UMNO towards becoming world class leaders.
About a week from now, we will then know the future of Pemuda UMNO and UMNO generally.
Till my next posting,
Sameer Khan, Langkawi.